From Your President

From Your President

President's Letter

I consider it a great honor to serve as President of our Briarwood VI HOA and to welcome you to our new website.  Briarwood VI is a unique and welcoming community where neighbors look out for each other.

We are a self-managed Homeowners Association.  The seven-member Board of Directors works very hard at maintaining and improving our community and keeping costs down.  All board members as well as the many homeowners who serve on committees are volunteers.

One of the Board’s goals this year was to bring you a new and user-friendly website, one that is easy to navigate and one where you can stay up to date on our community and find the resources you might need.  The Board of Directors truly hopes you will find this new website helpful and use it frequently.

We live in a great community with wonderful neighbors, and we should be proud of it.  Please contact me or any of the Board Members if you have any questions or concerns.  I hope to continue to see many of you around the neighborhood.


Barry Shapiro

President, Briarwood VI HOA